Wednesday, August 31, 2011

so it starts tomorrow-- ?


So here it is... 198.8 with 14.5% body fat this morning and I gotta be down to 185 by end of September. Cutting down carbohydrates and adding much more cardio to my routine.I can do it! 14lbs in 30 days - I'm not going to be starving myself if that's what you are thinking cuz I'm going to BURN IT!

---not going back to this---


  1. nice to see you started a blog and put up before pics. keep up with the progress pics. I will start doing progress pics as well. My body is pretty comparable to yours but I am currently holding more fat with a higher body fat percentage. I'll be looking forward to your future postings.

  2. Thanks! I just saw your blog as well. Keep up the good work!!

    I've kept this blog for about a year now and that's just a reminder of how I used to look. and recently I was neglecting on diet and gained body weight so I made a bet with couple of my buddies to get on some strict diet.
