Monday, December 20, 2010

been three months

So it's been three months since I've posted something up here.
A lot had happened in that three months... too much stuff to think about and digest...
So my exercising didn't go as I've originally planned... I didn't lose much body fat nor gotten much bigger
and I spent some weeks without doing regular workouts. I tried to throw in some sort of exercises daily
but there was too much junk in my head to focus on anything... welll that's just an excuse...

During month of November... I was very lazy and let myself go... didn't think about what I was eating
spent many days without exercising. and... my pants started to get tight again and my knees started to hurt again... OMG... I was very scared and thought about myself back in SF days... 235 lbs.... too heavy to do any physical activities... 
I couldn't let myself go back. I tried too hard to get down to this...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fortune Cookies

I collect most of the fortunes from the fortune cookies...
Although, I lost a lot while moving back from Cali.

I was looking at some of them today and found one saying

"To Exercise the body is to purify the soul"

So true!!!
Since, I've been getting healthier, lighter, and stronger everything started to feel very positive...
No more depressed days... No more lazy days...
I see myself becoming more one with mind and body. I can control my physical desires...
I just want to do more things for others... it's so interesting
maybe because my self esteem had gone up a little?? I don't feel ashamed of myself anymore?
Whatever it maybe, I have clear thoughts about life...

It's weird talking about soul and spirits on here...
well, that's who I am...

When one is exercising, doesn't matter what kind of sports or activity it may be, all the side thoughts
vanishes and he/she is very focused on it and become one with mind and body.
Well, at least for me. It helps me to lose unnecessary thoughts and clears my head.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

oh no...

Didn't think I can go 3 days without lifting any.... but I did...
Saturday, Sunday, and Monday...
and I feel very weak! but... I had a good night of sleep yesterday.
well, I should go do some right now.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I don't have the best posture in the world... but I try to sit up straight and sleep straight...
but the problem is that I carry my camera bag on my right shoulder... 
and the bag usually weighs about 15+ lbs...
I've been using same bag and heavier weight for about 4 years now... 
80% of the time on my right shoulder...
and as you can see my body is tilted down a little bit towards the right side...

it bothers me so much... and it's so uncomfortable 
all of my clothes don't fit right because of this... and my chest is very uneven... 
and I found out it's call "Scoliosis" which is a medical condition in which a person's spine is curved from side to side. (wiki) 
It seems that to fix the problem, I'll have to wear a bulky back braces to hold my back straight...
or I could probably goto a chiropractor and get it fixed. 
or... I could start wearing the bag on left shoulder for another 3 years maybe it will even out??

haha anyhow.

the work out has been going good so far. I see the progress little by little... and since the Day 1 of exercise, I've changed quite a bit. 
I'm not satisfied, so I won't stop anytime soon... and I probably won't be satisfied with my body...
proportional wise.. haha Big head, short arms, and short legs... the worst combo I have...
But, I don't mind it at all!! 
I'm getting more confidence in myself...
I'm still very afraid of gaining weight again....... 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

One Month has passed....


So... it's been a month since I've posted an entry. 
I've been trying to bulk up a little more... focus on high protein diet and been eating extra fattening food as well to add some size. Well... because it's really hard to keep running and focus on cardio on this weather and feel like since the winter is coming I'll just focus on the size for now. Once I get the size I want, probably won't get there anytime soon, I'll start cutting down the fat.

As of today, I weigh 192 lbs and have 15% body fat. 

I am not wearing arm sleeve... haha 
I was working last Saturday taking photos of little kids out in the sun for 10 hours and I've gotten a beautiful farmer's tan!! and I'm rocking it!! 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Let's see

To wrap up the first month of work out... I think it went pretty well...

from 216lbs -> 194lbs
from 20% body fat -> 15% body fat
from Total Laziness -> Somewhat Active

most of all, I feel lighter and healthier

I have seen many people try to lose weight including myself.
And a lot of them "follow" the diet programs, from eatings to exercise.
But, many of them who "follow" the programs stop when they reach their desired weight, or look that they wanted. And they go back to their old selves.

I was like that as well. I have been lifting weights through out the years, but I've always had big gap between them. Sometimes, I would workout for 2 months and stop... for about 5 months... and try to get back into it. It's always hard to go back, because it is so comfortable. Not just comfortable but very EASY. I don't have to goto the gym, or my garage, to see those metal bars and plates, I can eat whatever I want to and enjoy being lazy...

But, it's the time when I look at myself in the mirror and realize how ridiculous I look. Can't fit into the clothes I used to wear, baggy pants become too tight to put my leg through, and can't wake up in the morning because I feel so heavy.

Then I start everything again... from the scratch. Try to wear as much shirts as possible to sweat out everything. Going into 90+degree garage without any fan to get as much sweat as possible. I know, going into garage only works in the summer time and only in Texas... But, they don't help much with losing weight because they are just water weight coming out of my body. Also because I've always loved food and I still do. But what's wrong was that I didn't control myself from eating too much. Even with sweating out in the hot sauna like garage, I couldn't lose anything fat because I was not strict to myself on the actual diet. Plus, I took protein shakes to get bigger, which did not help at all on losing weight but putting more pounds over my waist, chest, and my butt.

Also, the eating schedule was never the same. Some days, I would eat breakfast and some I wouldn't. Some days, I would eat lunch and eat in-between meal before dinner. Some days, I would eat dinner around 11 PM because I was hungry after school or work.

I wasn't eating much healthy food. Everything I consumed was meat based... I had to have some sort of meat everyday. If I didn't have any for Lunch or Dinner, I would go out and get myself a Big Burger to get that meat fix. Also, when I get a burger, I never bought just one. I would get myself something cheaper, dollar menus, and get 3 or 4 instead of getting 1 regular item. I felt like I was saving money by doing so, but in reality, I wasn't saving that much of money by getting dollar menus because I was buying multiples and I was putting more calories to my body than I should have. I also love sweet drinks from Sodas to Sweet Teas. And I drink ALOT of them. I could never understand people drink one can of coke for their entire meal. One can of coke for me was one gulp... For a normal meal, I used to drink about 3-5 cans of Soda or 5+ cups of Sweet Tea. Without realizing how much of sugar I was putting into my body.

It was because I was "Following" the diet program and just doing it because I was telling myself that I was exercising. I didn't care much for "CHANGING" my habits and life style.

Since I came back from San Francisco, I couldn't believe how bad I looked and felt.
So I decided to change everything.

To become a new person. Person with healthier mind and body.
I don't want to just lose weight and feel healthy physically, but I want to do so to have strong mentality that I can accomplish anything and everything if I want to.
If I can't even control the most simple thing in life = my body, then what can I control in this world or even think about accomplishing bigger goals.

It's been one month without fast food, soda, and sweets. And I do not eat anything after 6PM, but I do take some protein shakes around 8 or so to fill myself up.
Now I like to study and learn better recipes and cook for myself. Lots of fresh veggies and lean meats, with fruits. I've switched my midnight snacks to banana, I've switched my soda to water, I've switched my burgers to small bowl of rice and veggies, and greasy and saucy meat to white chicken breast and lean cuts.
I don't think about those 'tasty food' anymore. It's not necessary to consume all that to just enjoy food in general. Food is to make the body healthy not to kill.

My exercise routine has been changed a lot. I have schedules now... I try to follow the schedule on P90X, but I don't really like their weight trainings... they are just little too easy for me to follow now. But, I do love plyometrics, the jumping exercise.
So my schedule is

Monday: Cardio(AM)
Chest/Back + Abs(PM)

Tuesday: Plyometrics

Wednesday: Cardio(AM)
Arm/Shoulder + Abs(PM)

Thursday: Plyometrics

Friday: Cardio(AM)
Legs + Abs(PM)

Saturday: Whatever I feel like I need more

Sunday: REST

But, on the weight lifting days, I do my own work outs instead of P90X. The things I follow from P90X are cardio, plyo, and abs. Since, those three are the hardest to follow and seems to work very well.

Anyhow, I'm very excited to see how I will be changed in few months. I want to be in the best shape of my life and stay there.
Right now, looking at myself in the mirror is not embarrassing anymore. Exercising has given me little more confidence in myself.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

ate too much....

yes... the photo is taken under the light hahaha... but still

I had the biggest meal today since I started working out again.

It's been 28days since I started.
So far, I've been eating good breakfast, which helps me burn more calories through out the day, eat carb based lunch with some protein. My last meal usually is around 4 - 5 pm. It depends on the day but I usually end up eating veggies and chicken breast.

Take Whey Protein twice a day during morning time and one after workout.
and I started to take Casein before I goto bed.
I guess it's good that I started taking some casein since I don't wake up hungry and tired.

28days. Lost 21 lbs so far.
Body fat was 20% and now it's at 15%

anyhow, back to what I wanted to say.

few of my brothers and I went to "All you can eat Korean BBQ" place for lunch...
I want to say we had about 20+ lbs of meat total. but I'm sure we didn't
couldn't move at all afterwards... not a good feeling but interestingly enough, I digested all the food pretty fast. Maybe it's my metabolism's start working again.

I started to realize that working out regular is helping me to get focused more on everything I do now. It's not just my body changing but I started to more clearly and sharper. I am not lazy anymore. I want to be active, do more things than I would normally do.

I am preparing myself for my future. Whatever that may be, I want to be ready for things...

But, I still am under this fear of getting back to my old self... Fat... and ugly...
really hard... sometimes I feel that I am starting to get paranoid about everything.
I can't eat anything after dark and afraid of all the fattening food...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Keep exercising

It has become my daily routine to exercise now. Doesn't matter what kind of exercise I do, but I have to do something each day to feel I am not just gaining 20+ lbs.

It's been tough few weeks since I started P90X work out schedule.

The first week was almost impossible to follow the entire exercise especially ab.ripper.x.
Okay, I'm not doing the entire workout as it is scheduled, since I'm not doing the YOGA and throwing myself few heavy weight lifting sessions every week.

Eating clean...

is so tough. As I have mentioned on the previous entry, I love food....
I am actually thinking about starting a blog on reviewing restaurants in different way and more in depth than some you can find online.
Well... that'll have to wait until I get myself a new camera with HD video settings... and till I can be free from feeling consistently fat...
235... I still can't believe I was that fat... My goal is to go down to 185. but again... that's still just number...

Anyways, back to eating clean... I've been eating lots and lots of fruits and veggies. and been trying very hard not to eat anything fried and greasy.

The result shows... and keeps me motivated.

Tomorrow is my lifting day. I really need to work on my chest....

Sunday, August 1, 2010

So Far.

I have started working out with P90X
and... seems like it's been working

of course, I have cut down on my eating a lot as well. Started eating clean and healthy food only. Limit my self from anything fried, salty, greasy, and sweet.

My favorite foods are chicken wings, tacos, burritos, hamburgers, and MEAT.

It's not that I'm not eating anything at all. I've been trying to eat healthier diet but with lots of nutrients.

Well... above is a photo of myself on Day 1 of P90X... and I've finished 2 weeks worth of the routine. I'm following the Double P90X schedules... it was very hard to follow on week 1, but now I can kind of follow all the exercise at the similar rate.

Hope my muscle memories can kick in soon...

Saturday, July 24, 2010


This is little embarrassing to post a photo of myself up online. But, I am doing this because I want this to be real. I want to become a better person inside and out. And I'll start from losing this extra junk off my body.

So this is photo of myself at 235 lbs... this is by far the heaviest I have ever gotten.
Let's see how my body changes...

I'll try to put up my exercise routines, my meals, and whatever I get from doing this.