Monday, July 9, 2012

New Purchase.

Unfortunately my cheap chrome bar from local Academy had failed broke the sleeve is broken off. I can still use it for bench press, so it won't' stop my CEO: Bench Press this week. But, won't be able to use it for future dead lifts or any power movement lifting. Therefore, I have just ordered a new barbell from online. It's not one I really want "rogue bar" but seem sturdier and well built for my use. Its maximum capacity to hold the weight is at 600lbs, but I won't ever use my home gym to lift 1000+ pounds ever.... ever.... SO don't need any "TOP NOTCH" bars with superior built... I just need something that's better than 'CAP'- made in china barbell you find at the walmart or your local sporting goods store.

It should arrive in a week or so... in a mean time, I'll be using my not-so-perfect-partilly-falling-apart bar to bench press the heck out this week.

I've also ordered wrist wrap... tried one out yesterday at sporting goods store and it felt really nice. Along with the wrist wrap lifting chalk is coming as well... Bar will not going to slip off my hands anymore... well it just may since my grips are as strong as I wish them to be.

Update on back development-

CEO : DeadLift was fantastic. Tomorrow: Beginning of CEO : BenchPress!


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